Manual Mode Master Thumbnails4

The complete system you need to master artificial light for your food photography

Existing student? Login here

Just imagine...

You knew exactly what to do to achieve the exact look you want in your images (without guessing or struggling with your natural light).

You can be more creative with lighting, taking images you only dreamed of in the past - now it's a reality

You know exactly what lighting and camera settings to choose to achieve the style you want. You no longer struggle with the technical side of artificial light!

Your images reflect your personal style and are consistent (wherever you're shooting)

Nailing your lighting setup was second nature and you can get a shoot done in half the time

Hard Light Food Photography Scene

Artificial Light got you Frustrated? I hear you!

You don't know how to manipulate the light to look exactly how you want

You've tried shooting with flash before, but it's too complicated and time consuming

You don't know how to make artificial light look like the natural light you love

You're overwhelmed by what gear you need to get started, and don't want to spend $$ investing in something you won't use...

You're shooting on location and just praying there's a good window available...

As a food photographer, I struggled with the same things.

  • I got fed up of losing light early in the Winter and not being able to finish shoots
  • I was frustrated at the lack of options available to me in my small studio with limited natural light
  • I wanted to push myself and try new things, but I didn't have the resources
  • My images were missing that wow factor, and I knew improving my lighting was the secret sauce I needed

As a food photographer, I struggled with the same things.

Artificial Light Before and After

Introducing Food Exposed
The Artificial Lighting Course for Food Photography

Food Exposed - Artificial Light Course Mockup

The most comprehensive artificial lighting course for food photographers on the market. Get the roadmap that will teach you exactly how to harness the power of artificial light, step by step

Includes complete Food Exposed course & an all access pass to Food Photography Academy. Learn more

Here's your framework

Let's get right into it. Here's the breakdown of the course and how you'll learn. Each video module builds on the last, so you can go from beginner principles of artificial light, through to the advanced techniques the pros use.


Module 1
The Principles of Light

In the first module we'll go through the understanding of the foundations of light. Once you've got these down, making creative decisions about lighting (natural or artificial) will be a breeze


Module 2
Technical Setup - Flash

Next we'll go step by step through setting up your flash. We'll cover the gear you need, your camera settings, flash settings, how to set exposure for flash, and how to make sure everything's connected


Module 3
Technical Setup - Continuous Light

In this module, you'll learn about the different types of continuous light, how to choose the right one for you, how to prep your space for continuous light shooting, and how to correctly set your exposure and white balance

The FPA Community

Module 4
Manipulating Light

This is where the magic happens. You'll learn the effect different modifiers have on your photos and how you can control the light you're working with to create infinite different moods and styles. We'll also look at working with different directions and distances


Module 5
Flash Demonstrations

We'll go through 8, live flash demonstrations in different styles, so you can see my end to end set up, covering my camera and flash settings, lighting setup and any light manipulation. Each shoot is accompanied by a lighting diagram and summary of settings to download


Module 6
Video Lighting

Video is quickly becoming one of the most in demand services for food photographers to provide, so we'll go through 3 different video lighting setups including overhead food video lighting, talking head lighting, and kitchen video lighting


Module 1
The Principles of Light

In the first module we'll go through the understanding of the foundations of light. Once you've got these down, making creative decisions about lighting (natural or artificial) will be a breeze


Module 2
Technical Setup - Flash

Next we'll go step by step through setting up your flash. We'll cover the gear you need, your camera settings, flash settings, how to set exposure for flash, and how to make sure everything's connected


Module 3
Technical Setup - Continuous Light

In this module, you'll learn about the different types of continuous light, how to choose the right one for you, how to prep your space for continuous light shooting, and how to correctly set your exposure and white balance

The FPA Community

Module 4
Manipulating Light

This is where the magic happens. You'll learn the effect different modifiers have on your photos and how you can control the light you're working with to create infinite different moods and styles. We'll also look at working with different directions and distances


Module 5
Flash Demonstrations

We'll go through 8, live flash demonstrations in different styles, so you can see my end to end set up, covering my camera and flash settings, lighting setup and any light manipulation. Each shoot is accompanied by a lighting diagram and summary of settings to download


Module 6
Video Lighting

Video is quickly becoming one of the most in demand services for food photographers to provide, so we'll go through 3 different video lighting setups including overhead food video lighting, talking head lighting, and kitchen video lighting

Want a sneak peak?

Watch a preview of one of the live artificial lighting flash demos included with the course - you know you want to

Get access to 8 full flash demonstrations & 30+ video lessons instantly + your Food Photography Academy all access pass!

Join me in these 8, live behind the scenes flash demonstrations

I'll show you my complete artificial lighting setup for each of these 8, unique food photography shots. You can then recreate these setups and tweak them for your own style.

What's Included with the Food Exposed course?

All the juicy details...

8 Live Shoot Videos

Learn along side me in 8 live demo shoots, where I take you through the artificial lighting setup for different food photography scenes:

A dark and moody shot (Low Key)
A bright and airy shot (High Key)
A frozen action shot
Drinks shoot
Product shot
Hard light shot
Commercial style bottle lighting
Overhead (flatlay) lighting shot

8 Live Shoot Videos

8 Live Flash Demonstrations for Food Photography

30+ Video Lessons & Resources

30+ Video Lessons

30+ Video Lessons & Resources

Interactive video lessons, guided activities, a comprehensive workbook and gear recommendations will get you putting into action what you're learning. This course is all about taking action.

Printable Lighting Diagrams, Gear Lists & more...

Steal my signature artificial lighting setups with diagrams to accompany each of the live demos. Take the confusion out of where to position lights, modifiers and reflectors

Printable Lighting Diagrams, Gear Lists & more...

Lighting Diagrams Mockup

Interactive Activities


Interactive Activities

I'll guide you through tasks and activities to help you put into practice what you're learning.

+ Access to the entire Food Photography Academy Library

Artificial Light is just one piece of the puzzle, at Food Photography Academy, you'll combine this with specialist courses in composition, editing, shooting as well as monthly live feedback calls and an exclusive community. Think of this like university for food photographers.

Choose your Membership

Monthly Membership

$57 per Month
  • Entire Food Exposed course
  • 8 Live flash demonstrations
  • Foundational and advanced lighting principles
  • Assignments to guide you through the content
  • Access to 24/7 student community
  • All Access pass to Food Photography Academy - learn more
Save $187

Annual Membership

$497 per Year
  • Entire Food Exposed course
  • 8 Live flash demonstrations
  • Foundational and advanced lighting principles
  • Assignments to guide you through the content
  • Access to 24/7 student community
  • All Access pass to Food Photography Academy - learn more

Prices in USD, subscription until cancelled, cancel any time - no contracts.

The Full Curriculum

Below you'll find a full list of lessons included in the course, broken down by module. These lessons are designed to take you through a journey from learning the principles of light, through to full multi light flash setups. Whether you're a beginner or you've already been shooting with artificial light for a while, the lessons here have something for you.


Module 1
The Principles of Light

Light, Light Source & Lighting
Hard vs Soft Light
Colour Temperature


Module 2
Technical Setup - Flash

The Gear you Need
The Anatomy of Flash
Exposure When Using Flash
Flash Walkthrough


Module 3
Technical Setup - Continuous Light

Setting up Continuous Artificial Light
Using Natural Light


Module 4
Manipulating Light

Modifiers and how to use them
Modifier Demonstration
Lighting Directions
Fill & Negative Fill


Module 5
Flash Demonstrations

Dark & Moody shot (low key)
Overhead shot
Bright shot (high key)
Action shot
Drinks shot
Product shot
Hard Light
Commercial Style Drinks Shot

Natural Light Bootcamp

Module 6
Video Lighting

Introduction to Video
Food Video Lighting
Talking Head Lighting
Kitchen Video Lighting


Module 1
The Principles of Light

Light, Light Source & Lighting
Hard vs Soft Light
Colour Temperature


Module 2
Technical Setup - Flash

The Gear you Need
The Anatomy of Flash
Exposure When Using Flash
Flash Walkthrough


Module 3
Technical Setup - Continuous Light

Setting up Continuous Artificial Light
Using Natural Light


Module 4
Manipulating Light

Modifiers and how to use them
Modifier Demonstration
Lighting Directions
Fill & Negative Fill


Module 5
Flash Demonstrations

Dark & Moody shot (low key)
Overhead shot
Bright shot (high key)
Action shot
Drinks shot
Product shot
Hard Light
Commercial Style Drinks Shot

Natural Light Bootcamp

Module 6
Video Lighting

Introduction to Video
Food Video Lighting
Talking Head Lighting
Kitchen Video Lighting


Student Feedback - Valeria Reategui

[Food Photography Academy] was a huge discovery for me... all the information given in here made my food photography leap a huge step. So if you struggling to learn more about food photography and don't have the time and patience to research by yourself, I highly recommend having a course like this when you can search for what you need at your own pace.

It was awesome to have Lauren giving tips and other ways to see my own photography [in the live calls]. And also hear other photographers' pictures and critiques to learn more about different types of approaches to a subject.

[Food Photography Academy] is a must if you want to know the behind the scenes of every composition technique, Lightroom, etc. it is value for your money for sure.

Valeria Reategui - @cangurocriollo

Valeria Before and After

The Food Photography Academy All Access Pass

I don't believe in giving you one piece of the puzzle. After all, when you go to college, you don't pay separately for each module... you get a whole education. When you enroll in Food Photography Academy, it's the same thing, you'll get a complete, well rounded food photography education that gives you everything you need to truly master your craft and build a successful business. below you'll find the other online courses (in addition to Food Exposed) that you'll get instant access to with your membership.

Artboard 1-09


Harness the power of composition techniques and other strategies to create images that stand out from the crowd.

Food Composed

Food Composed Course Overview

In Food Composed, we'll cover the foundations of great composition step by step, before moving into advanced techniques that are going to elevate your work to the next level.

Through practical guided activities, you'll be able to put what you're learning into practice, and start composing creative, unique food photos. Here's what you'll learn:

Module 1: Design Principles & Ratios

We'll start off studying the technical side of composition, analysing ratios, grids, how they work and how you can use them to bring cohesion and intention to your compositions.

Module 2: Framing Your Food

In this module you'll learn how to choose the right lens for your composition, creating the right depth of field, choosing the best angle, focal point and much more. You'll learn how to "feel" your images, creating work that truly excites you.

Module 3: Using Light & Colour

Learn how to use light, colour and contrast to tell powerful stories in your composition. We're taking a deep dive into light and shadows in this module, looking at how the direction of the light, and the way you manipulate it affects your photo.

Module 4: Creating Powerful Food Stories

In this module we'll cover how to create two types of narratives, how to choose and use props and backgrounds to create different moods, and we'll walk through styling several food scenes.

Module 5: Style Exploration

Ever wondered how to capture the perfect action shot? Or how to nail the dark and moody look? In this module we'll learn exactly how to execute some of the most creative techniques to create breathtaking images.

Food Photography Business Course


Through my step by step roadmap, you'll identify your unique offers, get your systems setup and get your business up and running

The Business Roadmap

The Food Photography Business Roadmap

The Business Roadmap is my 5 stage program to get your food photography business up and running, equipping you with systems, marketing tools and all the templates you need to start making money from your passion.

Stage 1: Setting up your business
Stage 2: Building your Portfolio
Stage 3: Marketing & Finding Clients
Stage 4: Pricing & Proposals
Stage 5: Getting the Job Done

Lightroom Food Photography Editing Course

Lightroom Editing

Learn to edit your food images in your own unique style using Lightroom Classic

Lightroom Uncovered

Lightroom Uncovered Course

In this course, we'll go end to end through Lightroom Classic. I'll teach you how to organise and import your photos, how to set up a great workflow and how to process your images like a pro.

Lightroom Classic is the editing program of choice for most professional food photographers, and now you can harness the power of this program in your own work.

Module 1: Organisation & Importing Workflow
Module 2: Useful Editing Tips
Module 3: Composition Perfection
Module 4: Colour Magic
Module 5: Local Adjustments
Module 6: Exporting Workflow

BONUS: Advanced Editing
BONUS: Creating & Installing Presets
BONUS: 6 Full Edit With Me Tutorials

Manual Mode Master - Food Photography Camera Course

Manual Mode

Become the Boss of your camera and create well exposed images with confidence

Manual Mode Master

Manual Mode Master - Food Photography Camera Course

As a creative, you should be making the decisions, not your camera. In this course, we'll go step by step in a logical way through how to go fully manual, so you feel confident in your camera settings, and can bring your creative visions to life.

Lesson 1: Getting to know your camera
Lesson 2: Recommended Equipment
Lesson 3: The Exposure Triangle
Lesson 4: Aperture
Lesson 5: Shutter Speed
Lesson 6: ISO
Lesson 7: Custom White Balance
Lesson 8: Focus Modes
Lesson 9: Metering Modes & The Histogram
Lesson 10: Putting it All Together

Shoot for Success - Food Photography Principles Course

Shoot for Success

Part of the Getting Started Pathway, this course is designed to get you set up with the foundations for the best start

Shoot for Success

Shoot for Success - Food Photography Principles Course

In this foundational course, we'll cover all the important basics to start your food photography journey off on the right foot.

Lesson 1: What you need to get started
Lesson 2: Shooting in RAW Format
Lesson 3: How to read your Histogram
Lesson 4: Create a Storage and Backup System

Natural Light Bootcamp

Natural Lighting

Learn the principles of lighting and how to apply them to your natural light setups

Natural Light Bootcamp

Natural Light Bootcamp

The Natural Light Bootcamp is all about helping you master the natural light in your space, and learn how to manipulate it to create different looks.

Lesson 1: Colour Temperature & White Balance
Lesson 2: The Inverse Square Law
Lesson 3: Apparent Size
Lesson 4: Lighting Directions
Lesson 5: Fill & Negative Fill

Total value of all these courses = $2,697
but you'll get access to them all for just $497 per year (I know, it's insane)

More Good Stuff...

You'll also get access to our library of resources, downloads, templates and guest workshops

An exclusive community, available 24/7 to you as long as you're a member

Monthly live feedback calls where members can submit images for 1-2-1 feedback

You really don't want to miss it

Prices in USD, subscription until cancelled, cancel any time - no contracts.

30 Day Hassle Free Guarantee

You'll get 30 days to try out Food Photography Academy risk free - if you don't love it, simply contact us for a full refund

If you're on the fence, I know it's scary investing in yourself. And I don't want anything to get in the way of you accessing the training you need to master food photography. You can enroll in the Academy and explore all of the trainings for a full 30 days. And if, for whatever reason, you're not satisfied, just send my team an email within 30 days of your enrollment and you will get a 100% refund, no questions asked.

Meet Your Instructor

Creator + Founder

Hey You! I've been where you are right now, desperately wishing to make food photography my full time career, but navigating the ins and outs alone.

I got there through a lot  self learning and online courses, but I would have given anything to have one place where I could learn everything I needed to know. So I created Food Photography Academy. The first online school that's really like a school.

Take all the courses, masterclasses and join us for our live monthly member calls and get image feedback!

I know investing in yourself can be scary, but Food Photography Academy is the fast track to where you want to go. Plus, it's a heap of fun in here!

Lauren Short Food Photographer on Couch

Who should join Food Exposed?

Wondering if the course and Academy is right for you? Check out the list below for some pointers!

Who Food Exposed is for?

✔️ Those ready to take the next step in their food photography journey and start working with artificial light

✔️ Photographers who want to learn how to make lighting theory work for them and apply their own unique style

✔️ Those who want to make more money from their client work who know that artificial light will help them step up their images

✔️ Creatives who are bored of relying on the same setups again and again and want to find inspiration to create more exciting photos

✔️ Food Photographers who shoot on location (in restaurants or other client sites) and want to have more control over the lighting setup and stop relying on natural light in unpredictable environments

✔️ Beginners through to pro level food photographers

Who Food Exposed is not for?

❌ Smartphone only shooters - you're great! But you need a DSLR or Mirrorless camera for this course

❌ Anyone looking for a quick fix "crash course". This is an in depth course that doesn't skimp on the details!

❌ Non-food photographers. This course is tailored to food photography (including product), so if you don't shoot these things, you might be better finding a course elsewhere


Join us today!

Monthly Membership

$57 per Month
  • Entire Food Exposed course
  • 8 Live flash demonstrations
  • Foundational and advanced lighting principles
  • Assignments to guide you through the content
  • Access to 24/7 student community
  • All Access pass to Food Photography Academy - learn more
Save $187

Annual Membership

$497 per Year
  • Entire Food Exposed course
  • 8 Live flash demonstrations
  • Foundational and advanced lighting principles
  • Assignments to guide you through the content
  • Access to 24/7 student community
  • All Access pass to Food Photography Academy - learn more

Prices in USD, subscription until cancelled, cancel any time - no contracts.